Thursday, April 1, 2010


I was hoping that this day would never come... but it did!  We were at the store and Blakely got a hold of this life size baby that looked more like a chucky doll (so ugly) and was carrying it around the store.  Their was no way I was getting it for her so I finally got the courage to grab it away and set it down.  Big mistake!  She blew up!  I guess she loved that doll oh so much that she decided she needed to bawl for 5 minutes while I was standing their like a deer in head lights trying to figure out what to do.  Next time I will be better prepared.  I finally pulled out a lollipop and that did the trick to stop the tantrum. 
P.S. Oh don't worry I'm just having some hot chocolate and it's April!  I'm so bugged!  But we entertained ourselves today by opening the shutters and letting the natural light shine in and snap some pics, but their is no way I'm going outside!  
Yes, and in this last picture Blakely just happens to be pointing to where she shouldn't be pointing.  I guess her great Uncle Jared decided to teach her "Where her nipple was" when we went to CA.  Great new trick!  Got to be careful with those uncles!  


casey.chelsea.cali said...

Cali is notorious for throwing tantrums, so sadly I am well equipped to deal with them. You not knowing exactly how to stop it right away just confirms what a great girl Blakely never have to deal with those situations:) Cali could use a few lesson from her on how to be more even tempered!

Jordan said...

Ha ha, don't you love the things they pick up on the quickest...the things you don't want them to! My oldest makes it a point every time he is getting in the bath tub to tell me that he has a weiner and mom does not....I just have to nod my head and say "yep, you're right."

Callie said...

Gotta love the tantrums! I'm just glad to hear Kenna isn't the only one to freak out over something. She is still just so cute!

~Conradis~ said...

Oh those tantrums are fun, my little one decided to throw one in Hobby Lobby for 10 minutes... I put her in timeout right there on the floor, you have to let them know they can't get away with things ANYWHERE! I had 3 people compliment, and reasure I was doing the right thing. Obviously they have been there too. Good Luck! Cute Pics!

Jeremy and Jani said...

I know this will one day happen to me, but until then i am laughing. Seriously that girl cracks me up, most kids would be terrified of a doll as big as them but not blakely! I love it!

Sarah Pugmire said...

Oh wow! She is so adoarable! I had a similar experience at that age with charli, over a roll-away suitcase which obviously I was NOT going to buy!

Natalie said...

Love the tantrums! It's so hard not to laugh sometimes but other times I don't know what to do! She is so cute!


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