Thursday, November 20, 2008


So this last week Scott and I took off to St. George for a little getaway! The Vonk's and Woodley's have an amazing house down there that we were able to stay in. Thanks guys! We took Blakely on her first bike ride, which she slept through but we thought it was cool!

This pic is hilarious! Aunt Hay wanted to love Blakely, but they both ended up falling asleep together but it was so cute! She sure loves you!

Daddy and Blakely riding the bike!

We were able to meet up with the Kandell's and Wathen's for lunch and hanging out! It was such a blast! The boys definitely get along way too well.

Blakely didn't even make a fuss the whole way driving! She loves her car seat! She slept like a champ almost the whole night also. It was a great little getaway with great weather!


casey.chelsea.cali said...

Glad y'all had such a good time. It was good seeing you guys last night. Blakely really is beautiful!

Lisa said...

Blakely is adorable! I am glad you guys were able to have a littel getaway!

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

I cant believe you put the horrid pic of me online! You better watch out now, I am going to try and get a bad of you soon to post. But I did love my nap with Blakely. She is the sweetest. So glad we all met up in St George, let's get together soon. Love you!

Natalie said...

Looks like you guys had a great little get away! I love st george!

Jason and Amy said...

so glad you guys had fun. Wish we could of gone too. lets plan a trip down pronto

Unknown said...

What a fun weekend. YOu look so good. can't believe you just had a baby.

Anonymous said...

HOw fun! YOu played again with out me. I can't wait to finally hang with ya in Cancun!


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