Friday, April 25, 2008


As I have moved to Florida for another summer of fun ha ha it makes me realize how important it is to have good girlfriends in your life. I certainly didn't get to go out with all my friends before I left, but I went with my high school girlfriends to Cheesecake Factory one night and it was such a blast!!! It made it even harder to move again! Even though you don't talk everyday, you know that your friends will always love you and be there for you!
My girlfriends Lisa and Hailey! I have been friends with Hay since I was 5 when our moms used to make us wear matching shirts... I have known Lisa since Junior High and we were college roomies until she quickly got married!
Now we are the biggest goofs alive still! Melissa and I have been best friends since 5th grade and still going strong! We are one tall couple!
Melissa and I's other half- Callie! Been best friends since 5th grade too and so many memories and hopefully a lot more to come!
Thanks to all my friends everywhere! I love you all and call me lots this summer cuz I will be in Florida wishing you were here!


Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

I am glad the pic of me was not cute!! But i DO love you!

Callie said...

I want to cry! I love you! We've had some great memories and we'll continue to make more & with our kids. I'm so excited for you to have a baby. There is nothing better in the world than holding your baby for the first time & having those little eyes stare back at you. I can't even imagine life without my kids. Being a mom is the best & your baby is so lucky to have you & Scott for parents. I can't wait to find out what your having!

Melissa said...

I love this post! you beat me to it! I love ya and of course there will be many, many more memories to add to our book. But you nailed it right on the head we are one tall couple:) I just want you to know that I love you to death and I hope you know you can always call me and maybe Callie and I will be able to get out there this summer?
We are trying to convince our husbands to send us to you:)ha,ha I miss you, love you


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