Thursday, January 3, 2008


We had such a blast on New Year's Eve! We went over to Jason and Amy's where we had a nice barbecue dinner. But the best part of the whole night was going over to the Woodley's and doing karoake! I wish I had some pictures of it because it was absolutely hilarious! Jason didn't want to share the mic with anyone so after everyone was done you could still hear Jason singing and playing by himself! It was the best! Thanks to Jas, Amy, Brady and Lauren for spending their New Year's with us!
The boys!! Jason, Brady, and Scottie
So this is all the action the boys got at midnight! j/k From each other! (Maybe it would be more convincing if you couldn't see Jason's big hand in the way!)


Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

scott looks like he is totally into that kiss.

Natalie said...

Wish we could have been here to celebrate with you! I heard Karaoke was awesome!

Anonymous said...

We sure missed you guys that night.

Lisa said...

Looks like you guys had fun! Happy New Year!


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